A.M. Khalifa grew up in a diplomatic corps family and has lived and worked in more than fifteen countries. Exposed from a young age to the stranger than fiction machinations of international relations and the corridors of power, he writes spellbinding international thrillers that breach cultural taboos and provoke uncomfortable dialogue on sensitive issues like espionage, counterintelligence, religious fanaticism, terrorism and gender inequities. He is trilingual and lives in the eternal city of Rome.

Some stories have to be read to be believed
Every character I paint is inevitably based on a real person I’ve come across in real life, or composites of more than one person. Sometimes that person is me. More often it is not. With very few exceptions, I never write about a place unless I’ve been there myself. Which means I end up going on some of the most unexpected jaunts just for research, with my beloved black Moleskine notepad in hand. Places are like characters in a story, the pillars of authenticity. And readers are almost always smarter than writers. They can see straight through us if we’re making stuff up. And these days, more than ever, readers demand and deserve the truth. Because if they wanted to hear fabricated stories, all they have to do is tune in to the news cycle.